Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Flights Booked!

Quick Update:

After 2 1/2 hours on the phone with the nicest woman at Continental... I'm sure of it... literally the nicest woman there... our flights are now booked!

We leave Thursday morning at 6:30 AM and arrive in Majuro, Marshall Islands (via Houston, Los Angeles, and Honolulu) at 8:39 AM on Saturday, 5/21. The bad news is we had to spend about $1,200 more per ticket than we expected... the good news is we were able to upgrade to First Class all the way there by using our frequent flyer miles! This is very good news for Jeff as he is not a great sleeper on the plane... just looking out for my man ;)

And another item to check off the list... my leave has been approved at work! Yay! I really like what we've ended up with - 2 weeks vacation*, 12 weeks full-time FMLA, 8 weeks half-time Target "FMLA"**.

*Most people use their vacation as part of their FMLA time, however, my company has a great adoption reimbursement benefit. The hitch, you have to be an "active" team member to get it processed so I'm taking vacation before my leave and hoping the reimbursement gets processed quickly. If not, it'll be processed when I return to work.

**My company offers 4 weeks in addition to the 12 weeks of FMLA. Business needs being what they are, we agreed to the following - instead of 4 additional weeks of full-time, I'm going to take 8 weeks of half-time. I think it's a solution that works for both of us so I'm happy with how it turned out.

With two very large things checked off the list I'm feeling a little better about being ready to go. Tonight is washing clothes and packing... and maybe, just maybe, a Target run ;)


  1. =) Can you believe it?!? You're leaving!!!

  2. What a blessing! Jon and I will be checking the blog for updates. I have to admit when I first checked your blog this morning i had a little panic attack when I saw the words "presently on hold"! I thought for a minute that meant the country! I know you guys have been looking forward to the upcoming days for a VERY long time. We will be praying for y'all.

  3. Can't wait to get my hands on the newest member of the Warren Clan! Those are definately kissing cheeks. I know someday she will realize how lucky she is to have you two as her parents!
