Tuesday, April 26, 2011

You're Reading... You're Really Reading!

I was starting to think that my readership consisted of my husband and Daisy... yes, Daisy is my border collie but I'm convinced she's smarter than all of us and is probably one of my anonymous followers. I'm not forgetting about Jet - I just don't think he has it in him to figure out how to log on. Anyway, I've been encouraged lately by the comments people have left in the blog and how many of you tell me you check here regularly. Thank you :)

I don't have news yet - better get that out of the way right up front lest you get to the end and curse me for getting your hopes up. I do have something to pass on though.

Remember a little over 3 weeks ago when I wrote that Jeff and I went to a meeting at LSS to see Elisabeth O'Toole speak? At the meeting we met a number of people who were waiting to adopt, like us. One couple handed out their cards - adoption outreach cards - and asked us to pass them on to anyone willing to take them. I asked if they would mind a mention in my blog. They, of course, said yes. So, if you know of anyone who knows of anyone (and so on) who might be in a situation where they're considering placing a child for adoption, please pass on their information:

Jon Weaver & Mike Pogge

These guys were just the nicest people and really seem so ready to have a family. If this network of people can help in any way, I'd be honored.

Thanks everyone - and keep your fingers crossed!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you know Jon and I will be wanting to know all about your time in the islands. You two are our only source of information!! Any helpful hints that you can pass along will be greatly appreciated. I am praying for you all and for the birth family daily. Jon started a little blog for us, but I haven't been very good at updating. It is so hard when there is no news! You can check it out at watsonadoption.wordpress.com if you want! Anyway, have a great day!
