Sunday, July 31, 2011

First Shots

And here it is the end of July already! Funny how time moved so slowly while we waited for approvals, referrals, court dates, and then that dang visa... and now time is speeding past like it's making up for, uh... lost time? The figure of speech loses something when you're actually talking about time, doesn't it? Well, you know what I mean. Every day Grace does something new. It seemed like there were weeks in the RMI where she was pretty much doing the same things - sleep, eat, poop, gurgle, repeat - and now, that rattle that she couldn't care less about yesterday is the very thing she's seeking it out today. The next day she's grabbing it with both hands... then the next it's going in her mouth... then the next she's growling at it and able to pick it up when it drops next to her. Really, is this what it's going to be like?

Heck yeah... I'm sure that's what I just heard all you parents say. I guess I know it to be true but experiencing it is something altogether different. Well, I'll do my best to follow your advice and appreciate every moment :)

So, what's been going on other than the rattle thing? Well, toys I guess. She's become much more interested in toys. Kirk, that baby paper you made her is a big hit these days. She is no longer wearing it for a hat but enthusiastically grabs it and shoves it into her mouth. I think the crinkle sound was a little much for her before but now it's the bees knees!

Grace had her first doctor's appointment a little over a week ago and came away with an antibiotic to treat an ear infection. She's responded pretty well to them but we've noticed an increase in the number of diapers we've been using. She finally had her first blowout - and two other close calls (at least that I've been witness to). I'd just dressed her in this adorable white onesie with a dancing monkey on the front and was ready to put on the matching pink w/ orange polka dots and monkey on the butt pants (super cute outfit Jen - thank you!)... and then noticed a polka dot on the back of the white onesie that was just not supposed to be there. I think she had the outfit on for maybe 10 minutes. Fortunately Clorox 2 works wonders - she successfully wore the outfit today without an incident.

We were asked to return to the clinic after a week of antibiotics to get her shots and draw blood for the battery of tests they're running so we went in on Friday morning. The shots went really well. Of course she cried - one of those really angry cries with a look saying "how could you?!?" - but she quickly recovered with some cuddling and shushing... even enough to reward the nurse with a big, gummy smile. Awwww... I can hear y'all now. The nurse was fabulous and answered all my questions about the shots and side effects and how to tell if she would need medical attention... and, uh, how to accurately take her temperature.

I told someone today that I'm old enough that I don't feel insecure about admitting that there's a lot I don't know how to do despite the years of baby sitting and chatting with friends about their kids. One of those things was how to safely - emphasis on the word "safely" - take her temperature. So, I asked and the nurse demonstrated the technique... and I now feel like an expert. How's that for going the extra mile?

After the shots we went down to the lab. I also had my blood work to get done so they took us both into the baby room. Didn't know they had such a place but now I understand exactly why they do. The phlebotomist first drew mine and it was a top notch job. I had no problems letting her handle Grace's draw. She left to double check that she had to do a venous draw instead of a heal poke and returned to tell me yes, she did. Okay, so they showed me how to hold her - very confining and I knew Grace wouldn't love that - but then they tried to find a vein. Boy that tourniquet looks awful squishing her tiny little arm! But that wasn't the worst part... they gave her the poke and then had to DIG to find a vein! I hate it when they do it to me... I can't imagine what poor little Grace thought about the experience. And then, if that wasn't enough, they didn't actually get any blood drawn. On to phlebotomist #2...

After a few minutes, they walk back into the baby room with another phlebotomist and I just about fell out of my chair. Out of 20 or so people in this lab, it's the one woman I will not let draw me ever again. I've been going to this lab at least every 4 weeks for about 8 years... she's the only one I've ever had a real problem with. Getting blood drawn is not normally a comfortable experience but a quick poke and you're basically done. I'm not at all squeamish and even find the process interesting... yes, I watch as they draw me. I had given this woman 5 or 6 tries on my arm before and each time it was actually painful - really painful. I finally determined that she and my arm did not get along and have refused to let her near me again. I'm sure you can guess that there was no way I was letting her near Grace. On to phlebotomist #3...

A few more minutes later they come back in with another woman who gives Grace's other arm a try. Again, poke, dig, dig, dig... lots of crying... and nothing. By this time my poor girl is so upset that she's gulping air and crying like I've never heard her cry before. No smiles for the phlebotomists despite the multiple apologies. The best they can do is ask us to come back after Wednesday of next week when their superstar returns from vacation. There's a woman who worked in the ER at Children's Hospital in Minneapolis for 5 years who now works in this lab. I've actually had her before and she's very good. They're sure that she'll be able to draw Grace - we'll see.

Despite suffering the antibiotics, the shots, and the failed attempts at drawing blood, she's actually been doing pretty well this week. We've met up with some friends, done some shopping, and had our first play date! Our friends had a baby girl 3 days before we left and we'd not had a chance to meet her. We headed down to Eden Prairie with the big stroller in the Jeep to meet Bella. What a cutie! Looks just like her daddy - but cute ;) Even though it was really hot outside, I think both moms really wanted to get out of the house so off we went to walk around the lake. We probably could have used a slightly shorter path but the conversation was good and we made it back no worse for wear. Grace is really into watching other babies now and bestowed some of her best smiles on Bella. In response, Bella kicked... and kicked... and kicked... I have a feeling she'll be up moving around sooner than most and will make her parents chase her everywhere! Good luck guys!

I just ordered our crib and mattress from yes, I know most people have these things ordered months before baby arrives but through the whole process I've been playing things a bit safe. We didn't want to buy a bunch of things only to have the adoption take much longer than expected or, worse yet, fall through at the last moment. Grace has been sleeping in the infant insert in the play yard we bought but is approaching the upper weight limit. We'll either need to remove the insert and let her sleep on the lower bottom part or move her into a crib. I decided the crib is the way to go so online I went. I have to say I'm disappointed that Target doesn't offer free shipping but considering my discount, nowhere else online or in the store was going to be cheaper. It should arrive next week and I'm crossing my fingers there's no damage from the shipping.

Today (now Sunday) we are meeting up with another RMI family who is waiting for their court date. They are SO CLOSE to traveling to get their sweet little girl and I just want to do everything I possibly can to help them prepare for their trip like others have done for us. Grace has promised to be on her best behavior for our visit (really, she told me she would!) and is napping now in preparation. I, on the other hand, need to start organizing some of the photos we took while in country so that we don't subject them to hours of out-of-focus shots of nothing in particular :)

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