Hello again - it's been a while. I figured it was time to get back online and chat with you all. First, I want to say hello to anyone new to the blog. I'm amazed that there are so many reading... so many of you I don't know. People tell me that my blog is one of the first that google returns in a search. I don't know if it's true or not but it seems people are finding me. Motivation for more frequent updates - if someone's listening, I'll keep talking :)
Some of you have posted comments on my blog and want to correspond via email. While I'm more than happy to do this, I'm less excited about posting my personal email address here. If you're okay doing so, by all means, I will reply. If you'd rather not publish your email address, find me on Facebook and send me a message - make sure you tell me it's about RMI adoption and give me your email. We'll get in touch eventually!
So on to the rest...
An RMI visit? Yup. Them here, not us there. We are so lucky to live where we do - and to be so close to our adoption agency. Some folks from the RMI visited LSS this past week and we were invited to attend a reception in their honor being held this morning. It was wonderful to see Gordon, Claudia and Donna - all folks we met while we were on the islands. We were also honored to meet the new Secretary of the Interior, Daisy Momotaro. What a nice woman!
Understandably, some Marshallese are not very supportive of international adoption. They remember the days when adoptions were not regulated - the days before the CAA came into being. The Secretary expressed how her own attitudes towards adoptions were less than favorable and that, as a member of an influential women's group on the island, they all were concerned that children adopted from the RMI would be raised not knowing anything about their birth culture and where they came from. I was so happy to hear her say how she had been very impressed with LSS and that after meeting many of the families here, was glad to go back and report to her women's group that their children are being well cared for. It brought tears to my eyes that we had some small part in her changing her mind. That somehow we were able to reassure her that yes, we love our kids and always want them to know and be proud of their Marshallese heritage.
This is everyone who was still around at the end. Both waiting families and those of us who have brought back our children were included along with our Marshallese guests. |
Afterwards, many of us went to lunch at Famous Dave's in Calhoun Square. We chatted and reminisced some but mostly asked how things are going there now. Seems all is well - but that's a typically vague Marshallese answer. Claudia mentioned that she runs into Emi sometimes at the store and that she seems well. I still wish there was a better way for us to send things to her. We have a couple boxes ready to go but have not sent them yet. That's the easier part. What I would love to know is if our letters are being read to her in full and understood. I would assume it's more desirable to hear about how Grace is doing and what we're up to than receive a few outfits and toys. But, maybe I'm wrong. I guess that's the crux of my anxiety here - I wish I knew what was preferred. Our limited ability to communicate didn't allow us to have those types of in-depth conversations.
The gathering ended all too soon for me. I could sit and chat with our MN/Marshallese families for hours and hours. Big surprise to those of you who know me, I'm sure. But as families went their separate ways and we said good bye to our Marshallese guests, there were already discussions about which Kemem in next and when we're going to gather to say good bye to one of our families who will be moving away from MN soon.
I'll type up another post as there are so many new things going on with Grace but for now, here are a few more photos of the day:
Secretary Momotaro, Donna, Claudia, and Gordon |
Dave, Melia, Grace, and Jeff |
Donna and Claudia |
Esme and Nevaeh |
Grace and Melia |
Grace, Lori and Esme |
My cutie pie! |
Micah |
Noemi and Micah |
Gifts opened! |
Jim, Kari and Sam |
Thank you for this blog. I would love to correspond via email if you are open to conversation? My husband and I are interested in adopting from RMI and there isn't a ton of information out there! hannahjessee@gmail.com