Big dramatic pause with drum roll...
Baby Grace is now 17 pounds 10 ounces and 26 inches long :) She did very well during her visit with only one outburst of "I can't believe you're letting them stick me with sharp things" cry. Actually, more of a surrender wail as her arms just went limp and she gave up. All was good moments later when she was upright in mom's arms sporting three cartoon character band-aids.
Growth is on track and everything looks good - 'cept for that pesky ear infection. It was, according to the doctor, completely gone as of 4 weeks ago at her follow up but now it's evil twin has moved in. The fortunate thing, I guess, is that she doesn't seemed bothered by it. No pain anyway... just some sniffles and coughing which the nurse said was from the ear infection. We thought it was a continuation of the daycare cold and didn't suspect her ears... live and learn.
Daycare is going well - she's making friends and, apparently, going through boyfriends at a rate of 1 every two weeks. It was Wyatt at first but now I think she's taken a shine to Henry. Great names, right? I love that people are making some of the "older" names popular again!
Playing the piano seems to be a favorite pastime so I bought a little kid piano just like the one she has in daycare - she pounds on that thing like she's ready to give Mozart a run for his money... very intense! She's also very into books and we've been adding to her library. She mostly gums them for now but gets really excited and flaps like a baby duck when we grab a book to "read". Since she was little(-er) I've sung Itsy-Bitsy Spider to her whenever she is too worked up (read: screaming and crying) to go to sleep. I found a book by the same name with additional verses - good thing because singing verse one over and over again was taking it's toll.
The other day I took a really great photo of her and posted it on my Facebook page - pretty sure I've not received so many Likes and Comments before on anything! For your viewing pleasure:
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Grace's First Pigtails |
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