Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Welcome Friends :)

I was going to wait to invite everyone to this blog until I'd written more - but like a naughty kid at Christmas, I couldn't resist opening the package early.  Welcome to our blog!

So many of you have asked how it's going and seem genuinely interested in hearing the newest but I know I forget something each time I tell the story. Certainly keep asking as it's always fun to talk about but for all the details or when you (or I) don't have time to relay the entire story, check here for all the info.

I promise to do my best to try to keep posts going... is that like "fixin' to get ready to..."?  Well, you know what I mean :)


  1. Well while "fixin' to get ready to" in no way implies forward progress... at least you're utilizing good ole' southern English :)

  2. Yay for your blog and your papers being sent!! Now you're officially waiting for THE CALL!!!! I'm so excited for you! After you guys left I had so many other things to tell you about the travel and what to pack, so we need to connect again =) Good Luck and hopefully it doesn't take so long in Guam.

  3. @Bret - for not being a southerner, I did okay :)
    @Teresa - YES! Absolutely we need to get together again. We really appreciated you having us over!
