Friday, July 20, 2012

First Roadtrip!

I really don't think I could make any acceptable excuse for not posting an update as we caravan our way across Wisconsin headed towards our first Midwest Pacific Islanders' Reunion on our first real roadtrip... just too much time to kill while the hubby drives and the kid sleeps!

Yes, she's sleeping and, hopefully, will be for the next couple hours. We met up with another family from our area who are also driving down. A third family is on their way by plane. In all reality, probably the right way to go but then we wouldn't have this experience to relive - good or bad, right? So expect a few updates throughout the weekend.

To catch you up on things, our little baby is now almost 16 months old! She'll be moving up to the toddler room at daycare starting Monday - sniff, sniff. They focus on teaching them to do things on their own. I'm not sure I'm ready... Oh, wait, this isn't about me, is it? Well, Grace is certainly ready so I guess it's time. We toured the toddler rooms on Thursday and met her new teacher, Emily. Everything seems to be in order so Monday we start. I was told to expect Grace will be returned to us covered in food and random art supplies and not to dress her in anthing, uh, nice. I want to know what I'm supposed to do with all of her cute clothes now... weekends around my house are going to turn into a fashion show with multiple wardrobe changes just so she'll get some wear out of all those outfits!

Ah, that's better. I just reclined the seat a bit... and yes, it is a big deal. Until recently Grace, being only 23 pounds and 29inches, was still in her infant carrier. The contraption could only be installed behind the passenger seat - my seat - and required that I be closer to the dash than I tend to like. As for reclining, forget it. We finally made the switch to the convertable car seat but, per AAP recommendations, we installed it rear facing. What a royal pain in the butt to get her in and out. After a week of bumped heads, twisted straps and all around discomfort for both of us, we flipped it forward. While she doesn't exceed the weight or height limits for rear facing, her feet were travelling up the back seat even with her knees bent. Not sure how any kids can safely use these seats facing backwards since Grace is only in the 15th percentile for height.

So, what else have we been up to...

For us, mostly working. We get out once in a while to grab dinner or BBQ with friends. We attended another Kemem at the beginning of July and have another one in September! We go to a lot of Twins games of course but it's getting harder to bring Grace. She's been walking since her first birthday so by this point she'd rather be walking around than sitting on our laps. I think a babysitter is going to be a neccesary expense for most of the games going forward.

Speaking of Kemems, for Grace's we asked guests to consider donating to the WorldTeach organization. We ended up raising just over $500 and decided to use the funds to sponsor a project co-lead by WorldTeach and The Unbound Bookmaker. They are trying to publish 30 new children's books written by Marshallese students. They'll be in both English and Marshallese. The first book is finished and available on - search for "The Very Important Book About The Marshall,Islands". If that wasn't cool enough, our donation is enough to sponsor an entire book so they wanted to recognise Grace by dedicating it to her. I can't wait to see it - what a great gift our friends and family have given not only the students in the RMI but also to Grace!

Grace has been snowing off her rather extensive vocabulary of 6 words: uh-oh, daddy, ball, baseball (you knew it was going to be in the first handful of words, didn't you?), dog, and hi. She's a champion waver and kiss blower. Despite the small vocabulary, she understands more and more each day which helps when you want her to pick up her blocks or throw the ball or not eat the dog's food. She's also using some sign language: eat, milk, more, and all done. They tell me she's also signing "like" and "thank you" at daycare... I don't believe it though.

Well, we're cruising through WI at a pretty good clip. The kid is stirring which means she'll probably be up soon. I'll post more on the reunion and include some photos. Right now I'm going to try to upload a few recent pics. If they don't appear in this post, then I have failed and will have to wait until I'm back at a computer.